Chia-Wei Hsu
Associate Scientist
Atmosphere-Ocean Processes and Predictability
Chia-Wei Hsu is an associate scientist at the Physical Sciences Laboratory of the NOAA Earth Research Laboratories in Boulder, CO. Chia-Wei previously worked on climate model validation for his two post-doctoral projects. One focuses on the tropical sea level variation bias in the current ocean general circulation model (GCM), a collaboration between the University of Arizona and the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. One focuses on the ocean surface flux bias at intraseasonal time scale in the coupled GCM, a collaboration between the Colorado State University and the University of Reading. His interest is to create useful analysis tools by taking advantage of the open sources software to better understand climate-related issues. He is working with Cathy Smith and Mike Alexander on data management and developing a visualization/data portal under the Climate and Fisheries Initiative.
Research Interests
- Sea-level variations
- Air-sea interaction
- Remote sensing
- Ocean dynamics
- Marine Ecosystems
- Ph.D., Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, Apr 2017
- M.S., Atmospheric Science, National Taiwan University, Jan 2010
- B.S., Atmospheric Science, National Taiwan University, Jun 2008
Professional Memberships
Honors and Awards
- Study Abroad Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
- Awardee of the National Graduate Student's Symposium in Atmospheric Science, 2010