EPIC 2001 Logo and link to the Program Website. Eastern Pacific
Investigation of Climate Processes in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System

Where is the Brown?

  • NSF
  • NOAA

  • EPIC Program
  • EPIC2001
  • JOSS Field Catalog

  • Program Document
  • Operations Plan
  • Cruise Instructions
  • Stratocumulus Study
  • ITCZ Subproject
  • PACS Report

  • Air-Sea Interaction
  • Clouds and Aerosols
  • Radar Research
  • Satellite Research

  • Mini-MOPA Doppler Lidar
  • MM Cloud Radar
  • MM Cloud Radar Data
  • Reports from the Field

  • Janet Intrieri
  • John Bates
  • Teachers' at Sea
  • Reporting from Huatulco, Mexico

    John Bates with NOAA P3 in the backround.
    John Bates with NOAA P3 in the backround.
    EPIC flights out of Huatulco, Mexico have started. Thus far, there have been 4 successful flights each by the NOAA P3 and the NCAR C-130. Three of the flights has concentrated on sampling cloud microphyusics, convection, and atmospheric structure of the eastern Pacific intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) near longitude 95W. These flights have sampled a variety of conditions including a passing easterly wave, supressed convective conditions, and very active conditions. We are interested in sampling a variety of conditions in order to improve out understanding and forecasting of the eastern Pacific ITCZ.

    Jeff Smith aboard the NOAA P3 prepares to
launch a dropsonde.
    Jeff Smith aboard the NOAA P3 prepares to launch a dropsonde.
    The forth flight consisted of a long flight along longitude 95W to sample air-sea interactions. air-sea interactions vary greatly along this latitude from 10N, where we find very warm SSTs and deep convection, to the equator, where we find relatively cool SSTs and low stratiform cloudiness. This mission was also highly successful, sampling this wide range of conditions and the C-130 aircraft making it all the way down to 1S.

    Missions continue this week in coordination with the R/V Ronald Brown which will be on station this Thursday.

    ETL | Lidar | Meteorology | Radar | Satellite