ESRL/PSD Seminar Series

The Past, Present and Future of Mesoscale Modeling Activities at PSL for Air-Quality Applications

Jian-wen Bao, ESRL, Physical Sciences Laboratory


Over the past 8 years, a small group in the Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) has been engaging in a number of modeling research activities sponsored by state and national air-quality research programs and in collaboration with colleagues at the Chemical Sciences Division and the Global Systems Laboratory. In this presentation, we provide an overview of these activities and related scientific findings. A summary is given on the past work associated with the Texas Air Quality Study (TexAQS) 2000 field experiment. This is followed by a description of current activities related to the Central California Ozone Study (CCOS). A discussion of ongoing activities in which a coupled meteorology-chemistry model is used to (1) diagnose pollution transport in the lower troposphere and (2) explore the possibility of simulating local-scale transport processes at very high resolution in which the use of the 3-D turbulent sub-grid mixing scheme instead of the conventional atmospheric boundary layer mixing scheme is required. Outlook on the role of the PSL group in future air-quality programs of ESRL will be discussed toward the end of the presentation.

DSRC Multipurpose Room (GC402)
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
2:00 pm Refreshments at 1:50 pm

SECURITY: If you are coming from outside the NOAA campus, please be advised that you will need an on-site sponsor. Please contact that person in advance of the seminar to be put on the list and allow 10 minutes extra on the day of the seminar. Please contact Joe Barsugli (303-497-6042) or Barbara Herrli (303-497-3876) at least a day before the seminar if you have any questions.