ESRL/PSD Seminar Series

Putting the Water Cycle to Work: A Collaboration between NCAR and the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF)

David Yates, NCAR


NCAR and AwwaRF have teamed to help the water utility industry develop and implement a tangible and locally-relevant structured process for considering the impacts of climate variability and change in the their planning process. David will give some background on the project and describe a few of the utility case studies, including those in California, Colorado, North Carolina and Florida. He will describe the analytical procedure being pursed, that includes 1) a problem definition phase, focused on articulating a utility's vulnerabilities and possible adaptation options in the face of climate uncertainty; 2) developing and/or modifying system-specific Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) models to address the defined problem and its sensivitites; 3) developing probabilistic climate change scenarios focused on exploring uncertainties identified as important in the sensitivity analysis in step 2; and 4) implementing the structured process to examine alternative investment and adaptation strategies in light of the likely range of future climate-related changes in local hydrologic conditions.

PSD South Conference Room (1D403)
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
2:00 pm Refreshments at 1:50 pm

Co-sponsored by ESRL/PSD and the Western Water Assessment

SECURITY: If you are coming from outside the NOAA campus, please be advised that you will need an on-site sponsor. Please contact that person in advance of the seminar to be put on the list and allow 10 minutes extra on the day of the seminar. Please contact Joe Barsugli (303-497-6042) or Lucia Harrop (303-497-6188) at least a day before the seminar if you have any questions.