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Annular Modes | At the JISAO Website: Data |
CLIWOC | Climatological Database for the World's Oceans |
ECA &D | European Climate Assessment & Dataset |
GHCN | Global Historical Climatology Network sea level and surface pressure station observations (FTP site) |
ICOADS | International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set |
ISPD | The International Surface Pressure Databank. |
JISAO Climate Data Archive | JISAO Climate Data Archive |
MCDW | Monthly Climatic Data for the World |
WMSSC | NCAR World Monthly Surface Station Climatology |
WWR | NCAR World Weather Records |
Data Analysis | |
PSL Plotting Pages | NOAA/ESRL PSL Interactive Plotting/Analysis Pages |
KNMI | KNMI Climate Explorer |
Organizations | |
AOPC | Atmosphere Observation Panel for Climate |
GCOS | Global Climate Observing System |
Long Paddock | Climate Mangement Information for Rural Australia |
OOPC | Ocean Observation Panel for Climate |
Projects | |
ACRE | Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE): European Mean Sea Level Pressure series back into the 18th Century |
ADVICE | Annual to Decadal Variability in Climate in Europe |
CDSI | Climate Data Support Initiative |
DARE | Data Rescue Project |
EMULATE | European and North Atlantic Daily to Multidecadal Climate Variability |
IEDRO | International Environmental Data Rescue Organisation |
IMPROVE | Improved Understanding of past climatic variability from early daily European instrumental sources |
ISPD | The International Surface Pressure Databank. |
NOAA Library | NOAA Central Library - Climate Data Imaging Project |
READER | Reference Antarctic Data for Environmental Research Project |
RECLAIM | RECovery of Logbooks And International Marine data |
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