[Nauru [NOAA] [ETL]
Daily Nauru99 Report
Previous <- 6/29/99 -> Next

Time:1435 Local, 0235 Z
Observer:Gillman & Post
GPS Ship Position:
   Lat. 1 deg. 55.6 Min. S
   Long. 164 deg. 23.5 min. E
   Heading: 115 deg
Surface Wind: 5.8 m/s @ 100 deg. (14 m height)
Air Temp:28.5C (13 m height)
Sea Temp:29.3C (5 m depth)
Rel. Humidity:67.6 % (13 m height)
Precipitation last 24 hr:0 mm
Cloud Layer Heights:
    Ceilometer:0.8 km base
    MMCR Radar: n/a
    Lidar: 1.0 km base
Radiosonde Inversion Height:none apparent on last 4 launches

Visual Observations:Breezy, whitecaps. Scattered low, puffy, small cumulus clouds. A very uneventful day, weatherwise.

Notable Events and Anecdotes:A very uneventful day otherwise, too. Highlight was an abandon ship drill. Science talk on radiometry and photometry is scheduled for tonight.

Instrument Status:All is well. Observations continue without event. Radar sea clutter has increased with roughened seas, as on Mirai.

Scientists and crew muster to one of six life raft stations during an abandon ship drill, conducted at least once per week. Besides a life jacket, each person brings a hat, long pants and shirt, and a full-body exposure suit, plus drinking water if handy. Fire drills are also conducted at least once per week.
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Updated: June 1999