[Nauru [NOAA] [ETL]
Daily Nauru99 Report
Previous <- 7/6/99 -> Next

Time:1445 Local, 0245 Z
Observer:Gillman & Post
GPS Ship Position:
   Lat. Lat. 0 deg. 31.2 min. S
   Long. 166 deg. 54.4 min. E
   Heading: 079 deg
Surface Wind:4.9 m/s @ 041 deg. (14 m height)
Air Temp:27.4C (13 m height)
Sea Temp:28.5C (5 m depth)
Rel. Humidity:79.0 % (13 m height)
Precipitation last 24 hr:1.5 mm
Column Water Vapor:5.0 cm (MWR)
Cloud Layer Heights:
    Ceilometer:0.7, 2.0 km bases
    MMCR Radar: no returns at 0245 Z
    Lidar: 0.7, 2.3 km bases
Radiosonde Inversion Height:0.6 km @ 1732 Z (Day 186)

Visual Observations:Noticeably cloudier today with multi-level clouds. Numerous rain showers in the region, including one over Nauru. Wind has shifted towards the north.

Notable Events and Anecdotes:Many RHB hands (crew and scientists) have visited Nauru. Several scientists have carried gear to and from ship and island for intercomparisons, including Westwater, Haxen, and Pavloski. Captain Parsons, Executive Officer Rossmann, and Chief Scientist Post attended a reception at the Menen Hotel hosted by the Government of Nauru, a very plush affair with unsurpassed ocean-front views. Phosphate mining operations were toured by many as well. Regular RHIB "bus service" continues. ARCS staff, including Chuck Long and Clif Meyer have been outstanding hosts - we thank them deeply for the many hours they have spent drive ship's personnel around and explaining ARCS operations over and over again!

Instrument Status:Westwater accomplished LN2 calibration of ARCS mailbox radiometer and a good tip-cal. He will attempt the same with ship's instruments tommorrow. Ship radiosondes appear more moist than island's, by about 0.7 cm column vapor (small sample of 4 simultaneous launches).

Ronald H. Brown at sunset off Nauru, as seen from DOE's ARCS2 site. Photographer is Chuck Long.
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Updated: June 1999