Meet the International Scientific Steering Committee
The local hosts of this event include William Neff, Chris Fairall, and Mike Hardesty of NOAA, and Linda Pendergrass of CIRES.

Philip Anderson
British Antarctic Survey, UK

Stefania Argentini
Istituto di Fisica dell'Atmosfera – CNR, Italy
Stefania Argentini is full time scientist of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (formerly IFA) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). Her general field of research is atmospheric physics. She has experience in research in the dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer in polar regions and urban areas, acoustic remote sensing, turbulence measurements, data analysis and field experiments. Stefania was the Convener of 11th ISARS-2002, Rome, Italy.

Frank Beyrich
Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg – DWD, Germany

Stuart Bradley
University of Auckland – New Zealand
Stuart Bradley is a Professor of Physics at Auckland and previously Chair of Acoustics at Salford, UK. He develops innovative solutions for acoustic remote sensing, collaborating widely in Europe and the US, and is the author of the book Atmospheric Acoustic Remote Sensing. Stuart hosted the 10th ISARS-2000, in Auckland, New Zealand and, with Phil Anderson, co-hosted the 12th ISARS-2004, in Cambridge, UK.

Nico Cimini
IMAA-CNR Potenza and CETEMPS – University of L'Aquila, Italy

Steve Cohn
Earth Observing Laboratory – NCAR, USA
Steve Cohn is a scientist in NCAR's Earth Observing Laboratory and manages the In-Situ Sensing Facility (ISF). His research focuses on applying wind profilers and other remote sensors to boundary layer research.

Stefan Emeis
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Stefan Emeis was the Chairman of 13th ISARS-2006, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

Chris Fairall
Earth System Research Laboratories – NOAA, USA
Chris Fairall is a research Physicist who is working to unravel the mysteries of how the ocean and atmosphere battle each other as part of the Earth's climate system from El Niño to hurricanes. He has spent decades developing and deploying air-sea interaction observing systems on NOAA ships and aircraft and has participated in nearly 50 research field programs and cruises from the Tropics to the Arctic icecap. His work is devoted to making direct measurements for verifying and improving the representation of air-sea interaction processes in weather/climate models. These measurements include such things as surface evaporation, absorption of heat, generation of waves, and uptake of carbon dioxide.

Martial Haeffelin
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) – CNRS/E. Polytechnique, France
Martial Haeffelin, is a research scientist, with 16-year experience in cloud radiative effects, initially with the NASA Langley Research Center, and now with CNRS-IPSL since 2002. He is the Director of the SIRTA atmospheric observatory (Palaiseau), PI for the BSRN station in Palaiseau and scientific coordinator of the ParisFog field program. He is a member of the EU EG-CLIMET COST program management committee where he leads a task on "monitoring the mixing layer depth at the European scale using existing ceilometer networks". He is also a member of the ESA EarthCARE satellite Mission Advisory Group. He is the author and co-author of 40 peer-reviewed articles.

Mike Hardesty
Earth System Research Laboratories – NOAA, USA

Margarita Kallistratova
Russian Academy of Science, Russia
Margarita Kallistratova is a Principal Scientist of the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Her field of research is the development of ground-based remote sensing of the ABL, especially, acoustic sounding. She has an experience in sodar applications to study of atmospheric turbulence, refractive index fluctuations, coherent structures, jet streams, wind field over urban areas. Margarita was the Chairperson of 8th ISARS-1996, Moscow, Russia.

Jakob Mann
Risø National Laboratory, Denmark
Jakob Mann is a research professor at Risø DTU, Denmark. He specializes in atmospheric flow and turbulence with relevance for wind energy. He has studied the flow over and near forests, in the wake behind wind turbine rotors, and over flat and more complicated terrain with lidars. He is also involved in work on extreme wind atlases and fundamental dispersion studies. Jakob was the Chairman of 14th ISARS-2008, Risø, Denmark.

William Neff
Earth System Research Laboratories – NOAA, USA
William Neff was the Chairman of 7th ISARS-1994, Boulder, USA.

Dominique Ruffieux
MétéoSuisse, Switzerland

David Turner
National Severe Storms Laboratory – NOAA, USA

Sabine Von-Hünerbein
University of Salford, UK
Sabine von Hünerbein is a fulltime lecturer at the University of Salford, UK. Her research focuses on developing and applying SODARs in the fields of meteorology and outdoor sound propagation. Sabine was the Convener of 10th ISARS-2000, Auckland, New Zealand, and 12th ISARS-2004, Cambridge, UK.

Alain Weill
Alain Weill was the Chairman of the 3rd ISARS-1985, Paris, France.