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Shupe, M. D., J. M. Comstock, D. D. Turner, and G. G. Mace, 2016: Cloud property retrievals in the ARM Program. In the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: The First 20 Years, Meteor. Monograph, 57, American Meteorological Society, 19.1-19.20, doi:10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-15-0030.1.
Verlinde, J., B. D. Zak, M. D. Shupe, M. D. Ivey, and K. Stamnes, 2016: The North Slope of Alaska (NSA) sites. In the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: The First 20 Years, Meteor. Monograph, 8.1-8.13, doi:10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-15-0023.1.
Tjernstrom, M., M. D. Shupe, I. M. Brooks, P. Achtert, J. Prytherch, and J. Sedlar, 2018: Arctic summer air-mass transformation, surface inversions, and the surface energy budget. J. Climate, submitted.
Pithan, F., G. Svensson, R. Caballero, D. Chechin, T. W. Cronin, A. Ekman, R. Neggers, M. D. Shupe, A. Solomon, M. Tjernstrom, and M. Wendisch, 2018: Warm in, cold out: Air-mass transformations connect the Arctic and mid-latitudes. Nature Geosciences, submitted.