PSL Acronym List
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A | |
AHPS | Advanced Hydrologic Prediction System |
ASOS | Automated Surface Observing System |
AWC | Aviation Weather Center |
AWIPS | Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System |
B | |
C | |
CBRFC | Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (SLC Utah) |
CCA | Canonical Correlation Analysis |
CDC | Climatic Diagnostics Center (CIRES); (before combining with ETL to form PSL) |
CEOS | Committee on Earth Observations Satellites |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CIRA | Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere |
CIRES | Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Science |
CITM | Cooperative Institute for Tropical Meteorology |
CMAP | CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation |
C-MAWDS | Computerized Marine Weather Data System |
CMDL | Climate Modeling Diagnostics Laboratory (now GMD) |
CMM | Commission for Marine Meteorology |
CNRFC | California-Nevada River Forecast Center (Sacramento CA) |
COARE | Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment |
COMET | Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology Education |
COSPAR | Committee on Space Research |
CPC | Climate Prediction Center |
D | |
DOC | Department of Commerce |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOE | Department of Energy |
E | |
ECMWF | European Center for Medium Range Wather Forecasts |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time (EDT is UTC minus 4 hours) |
ENSO | El Nino/Southern Oscillation |
EOF | Empirical Orthogonal Function |
ERL | Environmental Research Laboratories |
EROS | Earth Resources Observation Satellite |
ESF | Hydrologic Outlook |
EST | Eastern Standard Time (EST is UTC minus 5 hours) |
ETL | Environmental Technology Laboratory (combined with CDC to form PSL) |
ESRL | Earth System Research Laboratories |
F | |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FNL | Final Analysis |
FSL | Forecast Systems Laboratory |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
G | |
GARP | Global Atmospheric Research Program |
GCOS | Global Climate Observing System |
GDAS | Global Data Assimilation System |
GDDS | GOES Data Distribution System |
GDSS | Gauge Data Support System |
GEWEX | Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment |
GIF | Graphics Interface Format |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GISS | Goddard Institute for Space Studies |
GLERL | Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time (also known as UTC) |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
GOES-NEXT | Next Generation Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
GOOS | Global Ocean Observing System |
GPCP | Global Preciptation Climate Project |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRIB | Gridded Binary |
GSCP | GOES satellite cloud product |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center |
GSM | Global Spectral Model |
H | |
HDD | Heating Degree Days |
HPC | Hydrometeorological Prediction Center |
HRC | Hurricane Research Center |
HRL | Hydrologic Research Laboratory (NWS) |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
HWO | Hazardous Weather Outlook |
I | |
ICOADS | International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
IGY | International Geophysical Year |
IOC | Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change |
IR | Infrared |
IRIS | Interactive Radar Information System |
IS | Information systems |
ISCCP | International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project |
ISCS | International Satellite Communications Systems |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISL | Integrated Systems Laboratory |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISPAN | Information Stream Processor for AWIPS/NOAAPORT |
ISWS | Illinois State Water Survey |
IT | Information Technology |
ITB | Integrated Test Bed |
ITO | Information Technology Officer |
ITSO | Information Technology Security Officer |
IWDS | Interactive Weather Display System |
J | |
JAG/AW | Joint Action Group/Aviation Weather |
JAWF | Joint Agricultural Weather Facility |
JAWOP | Joint Automated Weather Observation Program |
JAWS | Joint Airport Weather Study |
JCET | Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology |
JIC | Joint Ice Center |
JISAO | Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Oceans |
JOI | Joint Oceanographic Institution |
JOSS | Joint Office for Science Support |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
K | |
kB | Kilobyte |
L | |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
LANSAT | Land Satellite |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
LMRFC | Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center |
LRC | Langley Research Center |
M | |
MAPS | Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction System |
MARFC | Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center (State College PA) |
mb | Millibar |
MBRFC | Missouri Basin River Forecast Center |
MDL | Meteorological Development Laboratory |
METAR | Meteorological Aviation Report |
MRF | Medium Range Forecast |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
MSU | Microwave Sounding Unit |
MJO | Madden-Julian Oscillation |
N | |
NARR | North American Regional Reanalysis |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NCAR | National Center for Atmospheric Research |
NCEI | National Center for Environmental Information |
NCEP | National Centers for Environmental Prediction |
NCRFC | North Central River Forecast Center |
NESDIS | National Environmental Satellite Data |
NEXRAD | Next Generation Weather Radar |
NGDC | National Geophysical Data Center |
NGM | Nested Grid Model |
NHC | National Hurricane Center |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOC | Network Operations Center |
NODC | National Oceanographic Data Center |
NOS | National Ocean Service |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NSIDC | National Snow and Ice Data Center |
NSSL | National Severe Storms Laboratory |
NWRFC | Northwest River Forecast Center (Portland OR) |
NWS | National Weather Service |
O | |
OAR | Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research |
OHD | Office of Hydrologic Development |
OHRFC | Ohio River Forecast Center (Cincinnati OH) |
ONR | Office of Naval Research |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
openDAP | Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol |
OST | Office of Science and Technology |
OLR | Outgoing Longwave Radiation |
P | |
PDI | Palmer Drought Index |
PSL | Physical Sciences Laboratory (of ESRL) |
Q | |
R | |
RCC | Regional Climate Center |
RFC | River Forecast Center |
S | |
SERFC | Southeast River Forecast Center (Atlanta GA) |
SWC | Space Weather Center |
SMG | Spaceflight Meteorology Group |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SPC | Storm Prediction Center |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
T | |
TAF | Terminal Aerodrome Forecast |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
TPC | Tropical Prediction Center |
TVA | Tennessee Valley Authority |
U | |
UARS | Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite |
UCAR | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
USFS | U.S. Forest Service |
USGCRP | U.S. Global Change Research Program |
USGS | U.S. Geological Survey |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time (also refered to as GMT) |
V | |
W | |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WGRFC | West Gulf River Forecast Center (Fort Worth TX) |
WHFS | WFO Hydrologic Forecast System |
WHOI | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
WIMS | Weather Information Management System |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WSH | National Weather Service Headquarters |
WX | Weather |
WWA | Western Water Assessment |
X | |
Y | |
Z | |
Z-Time | Slang Term for UTC (Derived from Zulu Time) |
Zulu Time | Another term for UTC |