Data and Imagery
PSL archives a wide range of data ranging from gridded climate datasets extending hundreds of years to real-time wind profiler data at a single location. The data or products derived from this data, organized by type, are available to scientists and the general public at the links below.
The third party data appearing on this web site may be reformatted from their original form, but not altered as to the informational content contained therein. It is provided as a public service. Further, this data does not reflect an official view or position of NOAA.

- Gridded Climate Data
- Climate Model Simulations (FACTS)
- Reanalysis Datasets
- Atmospheric/Ocean Monthly Time-series
- Atmospheric/Ocean Timeseries Analysis
- 20th Century Reanalysis Project
- Unified Forecast System (UFS) Replay Project
- NOAA NASA Joint Archive (NNJA) of Observations for Earth System Reanalysis

Air-Sea & Air-Land Fluxes

Wind Profiling Radars