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Display Climate/Weather Data Details
Display Instrumental Data Details
- Arctic Observing sites: Barrow (NSA), Tiksi, Summit, Alert, Eureka: Data browsers and files. Some sites are current.
- Realtime Boundary Layer Profiler Network:
- PSL Real-time Satellite Products
- EPIC Cloud Radar Data
- Sheba Data Browser: cloud water content and droplet/crystal size 1997-98
- SEARCH: A study of Environmental Arctic Change
- Stratus '03: air sea flux and cloud properties
Climate/Weather Monitoring Details
Perform Analysis Details
- WRIT: Reanalysis Intercomparisons Tools: A set of web-based tools that plot, compare and analze reanalyses and observation datasets
- FACTS: Facility for Weather and Climate Assessments: Examine and compare model outputs to help assess the nature and causes of extreme events.
- US Climate Division composite and correlation maps
- Correlations of Monthly/Seasonal Climate Variables
- El Niño/La Niña (ENSO) Climate Risks
- El Niño/La Niña (ENSO) Climate Comparisons
- Indices from climate/ocean data
- Long-term pressure and related timeseries
- NCEP Operational Daily Plots
- NCEP Time-section Plots
- Sea Level Pressure (SLP) Datasets (GCOS) Plots
- Timeseries of Monthly/Seasonal Climate Variables
- US Station Climatologies
- US Climate Station Analysis