Updates and changes to WRIT monthly mapping page,

  1. 06/01/2017: Added HadSST2.2 Ice Concentration
  2. 05/31/2017: Added cell fill
  3. 05/31/2017: Changed default behavior to global gridded CE
  4. 05/31/2017: Added new map projections
  5. 05/31/2017: Added SIBT 1850 Ice dataset
  6. 05/31/2017: Updated to the U Del to V4.01
  7. 07/17/2017: JRA-55 data: For 4 of the surface fields (2mT,2m q, 10mu,v), the files have been replaced with "forecast" files. The original "analysis" files are available under JRA-55 Analysis. More details are available.
  8. 04/20/2015: Added 20CRV2c dataset.
  9. 10/14/2014: Added JRA-55 dataset.
  10. 08/20/2014: Changed javascript code to make subtracting datasets easier to use from menu
WRIT is supported in part by NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory, the NOAA Climate Program Office, and the US Department of Energy's Office of Science (BER). WRIT contributes to the Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) Initiative.