Forecast Skill Assessment |
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Verification of Daily 2016 Freeze-up ForecastsRASM-ESRL 30 Oct 2016 Forecast Initialized with AMSR2 28 Oct Sea Ice Concentrations
AMSR2 and Forecasts: Arctic Basin |
AMSR2 and Forecasts: Chukchi/Beaufort Seas |
AMSR2 and Forecasts: Siberia/Laptev Seas |
AMSR2 and Forecasts |
AMSR2 and Forecast Errors |
AMSR2 and Error Growth |
AMSR2 and 6-Day Forecast |
Persistence vs. Forecast Error |
30 Oct 2016 Restart Error |
Hindcast Skill Assessment Products |
10-day hindcasts of 2015 Arctic Sea Ice Index
10-day hindcasts of 2015 Chukchi/Beaufort Sea Ice Index
10-day hindcasts of 2015 Siberia/Laptev Sea Ice Index
10-day hindcasts of 2015 Arctic SST Index
10-day hindcasts of 2015 Chukchi/Beaufort SST Index
10-day hindcasts of 2015 Siberia/Laptev SST Index
RMSE Arctic Sea Ice Index relative to GFS Analysis (9/9/15-11/2/15)
RMSE Chukchi/Beaufort Sea Ice Index relative to GFS Analysis
RMSE Arctic SST Index relative to GFS Analysis (9/9/15-11/2/15)
RMSE Chukchi/Beaufort SST Index relative to GFS Analysis
RASM-ESRL Forecasts vs IABP in Central Arctic |
RASM-ESRL Forecasts vs IABP in Marginal Ice Zone |
Please contact Amy Solomon and Janet Intrieri with questions and comments. We are particularly interested if you find this information useful.
Note, the forecasts are experimental. NOAA ESRL is not responsible for any losses due to their use.
To reference plots, please include: "Plot provided by the NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory, Boulder, CO from their website at https://psl.noaa.gov/"