PSL Map Room - Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

Plots created from daily, weekly, and monthly NOAA Optimum Interpolation (OI) Version 2.1 SST data.
These graphical products are not guaranteed to be updated on a regular basis. They are intended to serve as examples of our ongoing work. You are free to use and distribute these images, but we request that you acknowledge PSL when you do use them. Please read the disclaimer page for additional information, including how to cite this work.

Totals (Updated: Jul 26 10:07 MDT)

Latest Daily Product
SST Daily Thumbnail
Latest Weekly Product
SST Weekly Thumbnail
Latest Monthly Product
SST Monthly Thumbnail
Latest Seasonal Product
SST Seasonal Thumbnail

Animations:    Weekly     Seasonal     Annual 

Anomalies (Updated: Jul 26 10:07 MDT)

Latest Daily Product
SST Daily Anomaly Thumbnail
Latest Weekly Product
SST Weekly Anomaly Thumbnail
Latest Monthly Product
SST Monthly Anomaly Thumbnail
Latest Seasonal Product
SST Seasonal Anomaly Thumbnail

Animations:    Weekly     Seasonal     Annual 


Yearly Anomalies
SST Yearly Anomaly Hovmoller Thumbnail
(Updated: Jul 21 13:07 MDT)
Yearly Trends
SST Yearly Anomaly Hovmoller Thumbnail
(Updated: Jul 21 13:07 MDT)
Long Term Anomaly (3.5N-3.5S)
SST 30 year Anomaly Hovmoller Thumbnail
(Updated: Jul 15 12:07 MDT)
Longitudinally Averaged Anomaly
SST Longitudinally Averaged Anomaly Thumbnail (Updated: Jul 15 12:07 MDT)
