PSL staff recognized for outstanding acheivements
Congratulations to all ESRL Physical Sciences Laboratory staff members who recently received awards in May and June for a variety of outstanding achievements:
Gilbert Compo received a CIRES Outstanding Performance Award in Science and Engineering
"for leading the development of the 20th Century Reanalysis. Compo initiated the original idea behind the reanalysis
(i.e., a reanalysis that relied only on surface pressure records and thus could extend back more than 100 years) and
then managed and curated the large undertaking of creating of the reanalysis itself. This effort has inspired creation of
a similar effort at the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and thus has been international in its level of
impact and influence.
Sandy Starkweather received a CIRES Outstanding Performance Award
"for leadership and coordination of the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee’s Arctic Research Plan."
This work involved collecting input and feedback from numerous sources across multiple agencies, and it resulted
in the December 2016 release, by the Executive Office of the President, of a 5-year plan. That plan serves to advance
research in areas of common interest across the Arctic research community at all levels, including Federal, State,
local, tribal, academic, non-governmental organization, and industry.
CIRES Staff at the Physical Sciences Laboratory were recognized with a CIRES Bronze Medal for Scientific/Engineering Achievement for their role in the 2016 El Niño Rapid Response Field Campaign (ENRR).
Gilbert Compo, Prashant Sardeshmukh, and Chesley McColl
received a CIRES Gold Medal for scientific/engineering achievement for their roles in "creating the 20th Century Reanalysis,
a pioneering reconstruction of global weather and extremes using only surface pressure observations."
Dave Costa, Leslie Hartten, Darren Jackson,
Paul Johnston, Don Murray, and
Dan Wolfe received a CIRES Employee of the Year Award for their roles in "rapidly implementing and supporting
a complex, multi-platform, multiorganizational field campaign to observe a rare, high-intensity El Niño event in the central, equatorial Pacific.
The El Niño Rapid Response Field Campaign (ENRR) took place during the winter of 2016.

Robert Zamora is a recipient of the 2016 NOAA OAR Outstanding Paper Award in the 'Weather' category for the paper he co-authored entitled High winter ozone pollution from carbonyl photolysis in an oil and gas basin, which was published in Nature.
The CIRES awards were presented at the annual CIRES Rendezvous on May 18th in Boulder, CO. The NOAA OAR award was presented at a ceremony on June 16th in Silver Spring, MD.
Posted: June 30, 2017