Lesley L. Smith
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ENSO's effect on U.S. weather
Analyses of Xiao-Wei CAM and related Data filtered data polar stereographic plots
average DJF Z500 from Xiao-Wei CAM (all years)

variance DJF Z500 from Xiao-Wei CAM (all years)

root mean square DJF Z500 from Xiao-Wei CAM (all years)

average DJF Z500 from Xiao-Wei CAM (1982/3)

average DJF Z500 from Xiao-Wei CAM (1997/8)

For comparison DJF Z500 from ERA40 (all years)

For comparison DJF Z500 from ERA40 (1982/3)

For comparison DJF Z500 from ERA40 (1998/8)

For comparison NDJ Z500 from ERA-Interim (2015/6)