Lesley L. Smith – Model Diagnostics

All plots preliminary.        

Model Evaluation, Analysis, Diagnostics

Seasonal to Subseasonal Experiments

NOAA Unified Forecast System (UFS) High Resolution Experiments

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UFS_HR1 data

Hovmoeller and pattern correlation on precipitation data

Sample cases Winter 2019 and Summer 2020 UFS_HR1 data compared to ERA5 and IMERG data for different lead times:


All the UFS_HR1 data analyzed together with gfsv16 data:

Convectively Coupled Equatorial Wave Skill Scores on precipitation data

Sample cases Winter 2019 and Summer 2020 UFS_HR1 data compared to ERA5 and IMERG data for different lead times:


All the UFS_HR1 data analyzed together with gfsv16 data:

Precipitation and Column Saturation Fraction Coevolution from precipitation, temperature and specific humidity data

Sample cases Winter (December 3, 2019), left, and Summer (June 1, 2020), right, UFS_HR1 data for lead time 12 hours


Sample cases Winter (December 3, 2019), left, and Summer (June 1, 2020), right, UFS_HR1 data for lead time 24 hours


Sample cases Winter (December 3, 2019), left, and Summer (June 1, 2020), right, UFS_HR1 data for lead time 48 hours


Sample cases Winter (December 3, 2019), left, and Summer (June 1, 2020), right, UFS_HR1 data for lead time 120 hours


Sample cases Winter (December 3, 2019), left, and Summer (June 1, 2020), right, UFS_HR1 data for lead time 240 hours


UFS_HR2 data

Hovmoeller and pattern correlation on precipitation data

Sample cases Winter 2019 and Summer 2020 UFS_HR2 data compared to ERA5 and IMERG data for different lead times:


All the UFS_HR1 data analyzed together with gfsv16 data:

Convectively Coupled Equatorial Wave Skill Scores on precipitation data

Sample cases Winter 2019 and Summer 2020 UFS_HR1 data compared to ERA5 and IMERG data for different lead times:


All the UFS_HR1 data analyzed together with gfsv16 data:

UFS_HR1 data and UFS_HR2 together

Hovmoeller and pattern correlation on precipitation data