Roger Pulwarty

Senior Scientist
Director's Office
Dr. Roger S. Pulwarty is the Senior Scientist in the NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory at the NOAA Office of Oceans and Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. He was previously the Senior Science Advisor for Climate, and the Director of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) in the NOAA Climate Program Office. His over one hundred articles, book chapters, and technical reports, focus on climate science, risk management and information services in the U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean. Roger has designed and led widely-recognized programs dealing with climate science and services, including the Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments, NIDIS, the GEF Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change project in the Caribbean, and the InterAmerican Institute Collaborative Research Network on Eastern Pacific Boundary Currents. Roger is a lead author on the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Global Assessment Reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Reports on Water Resources and on Extremes, and convening lead author on the IPCC Working Group II Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, and the US National Climate Assessment. Roger has served on scientific committees of the National Academy of Sciences, provided testimonies before the U.S. Congress, and acts as an advisor on climate risk management and services to the Western Governors Association, the Caribbean Economic Community, European Union, the Organization of American States, OECD, International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent, the UNDP, UNCCD, the UNEP and the InterAmerican and World Banks, among others. He co-chairs the WMO Climate Services Information System, is a member of the International Drought Management Program Board, the WMO Commission on Climatology, the cross-agency US National Drought Resilience Partnership, and the Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center Advisory Board. Among other professional committees he has served on the Steering Committee of the Global Climate Observing System, and the White House Task Forces on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and on Climate and National Security. Roger is a member of the IGU Commission on Climatology and is the U.S. Co-chair for UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Water). He was the recipient of the 2016 American Geophysical Union Gilbert F. White Natural Hazards Lectureship and Award, a keynote at the Adaptation Forum 2016 and is a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society and the American Indian Sciences and Engineering Society. Roger's work on integrating science into decision-making has been featured in several media communications, including the New York Times, National Geographic, Forbes and the BBC and has been awarded by NOAA, the Department of Commerce and with the Gold Medal for Excellence in Applied Science and Technology from the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. He is the co-editor of “Hurricanes: Climate and Socioeconomic Impacts” (Springer, re-issued in paperback 2012), and “Drought and Water Crises (CRC Taylor and Francis Press, 2017). Roger is Professor-Adjunct at the University of Colorado and the University of the West Indies. He received the 2022 AGU Ambassador Award for his exceptional scientific, societal and policy impacts on disaster response, preparedness and risk reduction around the world. United States President Joseph Biden recognized Roger with the Presidential Rank Award 2022 for major achievements spanning research, education, mentorship, leadership, service, public outreach, and societal impact.
Research Interests
- Climate
- Science, policy and decisionmaking
- Climate services
- Ph.D., Climatology, CU-Boulder, 1994
- B.S., Atmospheric Science, York University, 1986