Ocean Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool: Ocean

Cathy Smith


Tuesday, Apr 27, 2021, 2:00 pm

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The NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory has created a set of Ocean Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools (WRIT). Ocean WRIT is designed to allow users to examine and compare ocean reanalyses and observational data. Using a mapping tool, users can map means, anomalies, and climatologies of variables and also create vertical cross-sections of variables with depth. Users can average together multiple years and also create differences of multiple years as maps or cross-sections. A time-series tool allows users to extract area-averaged series from the gridded fields and compare them with other user-selected series or with pre-generated series such as well-known ocean/atmospheric index time series including Nino3.4 and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Station-based tidal data can also be plotted. The time-series tool enables comparison of any two series and calculations of statistics, wavelet analyses, cross- or auto-correlation. A field correlation tool allows users to correlate pre-selected climate index time series with ocean variables including both maps and vertical cross-sections. Users can opt to upload their own time series to the correlation and time-series tools for analysis and plotting. All three tools include, for example, temperature, salinity, zonal and meridional currents as a function of depth. The tools also include single-level variables, such as SST, heat flux, sea surface height, wind fluxes, bottom temperature, and sea ice-related variables. Reanalyses currently included are the NOAA/GODAS, ECWMF ORAS5, ECMWF ORA20C, NASA ECCO V4, SODA versions 3.4.2 and 3.7.2. Observational datasets include UK Met Office EN4 temperature/salinity fields, SST datasets, precipitation datasets, and more. The Ocean WRIT tools are available at https://psl.noaa.gov/data/writ/.


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