An overview of modelling and data assimilation activities at CNR ISMAR, Italy
Andrea Storto
Italian National Research Council Institute of Marine Science
Tuesday, Jul 18, 2023, 2:00 pm
DSRC Room 2A305
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We present in this talk recent developments in numerical modelling and data assimilation at the Institute of Marine Sciences (Rome, Italy), focussing on aspects of common interest with NOAA/PSL. In particular, the talk will shortly cover three topics: i) the challenges and design of an historical ensemble ocean reanalysis system, covering the latest ~150 years and forced by 20CRv3, as a tool for monitoring the centennial climate changes in the global ocean; ii) developments of stochastic ocean physics schemes to enable ensemble and weak-constraint data assimilation, uncertainty quantification in reanalyses and predictability studies; iii) status and perspective for extending a variational ocean data assimilation system towards a coupled (air-sea) data assimilation framework, targeted to a regional coupled model over the Mediterranean Sea and aiming at improving the prediction of medicanes and heavy precipitation events. Finally, we conclude presenting the motivation and few preliminary results from the use of column neural networks to infer ocean model errors from the background state, in the context of my current visiting period at NOAA/PSL (in collaboration with Dr. Sergey Frolov).
Seminar Contact: psl.seminars@noaa.gov