On the dynamics of Equatorial 2-Day Disturbances Pat Haertel
CIRES/NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory

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The speaker tests the hypothesis that the wind and temperature perturbations associated with equatorial 2-day disturbances are linear responses to convective heating and cooling. Data collected during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment are used to construct a statistical composite of the disturbance's kinematic and thermodynamic structure. A linear model is used to simulate the atmospheric response to the composite disturbance's convective heating and cooling. The simulated temperature and wind perturbations are compared to the observed fields for the composite disturbance. This exercise reveals much about the dynamics of 2-day disturbances and provides a plausible explanation for the observed dispersion diagrams for a broad range of convectively-coupled tropical waves.

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11 June, 2003
2 PM/ DSRC 1D 403
(Coffee at 1:50 PM)

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