Meet Yuan-Ming Cheng

NRC post-doc Yuan-Ming Cheng joined PSL's Atmosphere—Ocean Processes Team in September 2019. Yuan-Ming works with PSL researchers George Kiladis, Stefan Tulich and Juliana Dias on the connections between convectively coupled equatorial waves and extratropical forcing. He focuses on how these tropical–extratropical interactions are modulated by the Madden Julian Oscillation and the El Niño Southern Oscillation. Yuan-Ming is interested in how these physical processes influence subseasonal predictability. He currently investigates the problem with observational and reanalysis data, and will use a modeling framework to verify his findings.
After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering, Yuan-Ming decided to study his childhood passion—typhoons—and obtained a Master’s degree in Atmospheric Sciences at National Taiwan University. He then served in the Air Force of Taiwan as a Meteorology Officer before he moved to Albany, New York, where he earned a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University at Albany, State University of New York.
In his free time, Yuan-Ming enjoys backpacking, hiking and traveling. He also recently started skiing, trail running and rock climbing—when in Boulder!
Posted: March 23, 2020