Meet Anne Sledd

Diana Stovern

CIRES post doc Anne Sledd joined PSL's Polar Observations and Processes Team in July 2021. Anne works with Matt Shupe and Amy Solomon to study the Arctic surface energy budget using observations from the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition and the Coupled Arctic Forecast System (CAFS). She has developed a method to retrieve snow thermal conductivity and density using temperature profiles, which are important for calculating conduction and temperature changes in snow. Her future work will include assessing the variability of conduction through snow and the impact of varying snow thermal conductivity in models.

Before joining PSL, Anne received her PhD in atmospheric and oceanic sciences from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her dissertation focused on the variability and trends of shortwave absorption and reflection over the Arctic in satellite observations and global climate models. Her undergraduate and masters degrees were in physics and applied physics, respectively.

Outside of work Anne enjoys hiking, biking, and settling down with a good book.