Meet Xiaoyu Long

CIRES researcher Xiaoyu Long joined PSL's Atmosphere-Ocean Processes Team in August 2021, working with Matt Newman and Mike Alexander. Xiaoyu's main work involves examining the seasonal predictability of coastal marine quantities (e.g., sea level, sea surface temperature, ocean bottom temperature) for many locations along the North American coastline, and developing prediction techniques to improve the forecast skill of those quantities. The first attempt uses a statistical method to downscale the NMME output and achieves an improved forecast of sea level along the US coast. In the future, this downscaling endeavor will be extended to a more advanced method like machine learning.
Before joining PSL, Xiaoyu earned his PhD at NC State University in 2016 majoring in atmospheric science. His thesis was about the seasonal transition in the Arctic and how it is influenced by mid-latitude circulation. After that, he did a few years of Postdoc research at University of Miami and University of Hawaii. He earned his Master's degree at Peking University, and his Bachelor's degree at Lanzhou University in China.
In his free time, Xiaoyu enjoys listening to music and jogging.
Posted: October 17, 2022