PSL Technology Transfer
Recent Patents
- Passive Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer for Detecting Aircraft Icing Conditions
- Icing Hazard Avoidance System Using Dual Polarization Airborne Radar
- Method and apparatus for an autonomous cloud radar
- Wavelet filtering of sodar signals
- Complete Patents List
Companies Formed by Former PSL (incl. ETL/WPL) Employees
- ALLEN CARR ASSOCIATES, Boulder, Colorado (CODAR antennas)
- CODAR Ocean Sensors, Los Altos, California - D. Barrick
- CODAR Technology, Longmont, Colorado - M. Evans
- COHERENT TECHNOLOGIES, Boulder, Colorado - M. Huffaker (Doppler Lidar)
- MICROSECONDS, Boulder, Colorado - E. Owens (Computer equipment)
- STC, Maryland - T. Wang (Precipitation Rain Sensors and spatial filter profilers with turbulence capabilities)
Companies or Product Lines Based on PSL Technology
- AEROVIRONMENT, started new product line (acoustic sounder)
- ARCTIC SCIENCES (acoustic current meters, from an ETL patent)
- ATI, (B. Dagal, H. Zimmerman, sonic anemometers)
- ATMOSPHERIC INSTRUMENTATION RESEARCH, INC., Boulder, Colorado (manufacturing ETL developed instruments)
- CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, Utah (optical turbulence meters)
- DOVE ELECTRONICS, Rome, New York (spatial filter profilers)
- ERBTECH (manufactures radar systems based on ETL design)
- GEOSPACE, Melbourne, Florida (manufactured ETL developed instruments)
- GEOTECH, Garland, Texas (manufactured ETL developed instruments)
- J. Hill (radiometers measuring Liquid water)
- Kahl Scientific (licensed to manufacture ETL-developed instrument)
- PANELTEC, INC. Boulder, Colorado (M. Reshetnik, antenna clutter screens for 915 profiler)
- PARAMAX, Unisys, started new product line (404-MHz wind profiler and RASS)
- QUALIMETRICS, Sacramento, California (manufacturing ETL developed instruments)
- RADIAN CORPORATION, started new product line (915-MHz wind profiler and RASS)
- RADIOMETRICS, Dual-channel radiometers
- SONIC BOOM, Long Island, New York (manufacturing ETL developed instruments)
- XONICS started new product line (acoustic sounder)