Observatory at Eureka, Canada
A successful collaboration between the U.S. NOAA-SEARCH Atmosphere Program, the Canadian CANDAC Program, Meteorological Services Canada and the University of Wisconsin Lidar Group resulted in the installation of a cloud radar and cloud-aerosol lidar in Eureka, Canada in August of 2004. These instruments are the first of a comprehesive suite of radar, lidars, radiometers, wind profilers, inteferometers, chemistry and aerosol sensors that will be part of a long term Atmospheric Observatory at the Eureka site.
Daily updates are made at this site of observations from the radar (pdf description) and the lidar (Lidar description at U of W). More comprehensive data products for the lidar can be found at http://lidar.ssec.wisc.edu/syst/ahsrl/ahsrl_data.htm.
Contact: Taneil.Uttal@noaa.gov

Data Browser
View plots of the following instrument data at Eureka:
- Meteorological measurements
- Soil measurements
- Radiation measurements
- Cloud properties
A Datagram is a virtual data 'mentoring tool' intended to guide anyone accessing the data file or the instrumentation used to generate fields within that file. While a data user will ideally collaborate closely with a principal investigator, Datagrams provide a structured basis for independent inquiry and logical information exchange about data processing.
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