Hydrometeorological Observatory of Tiksi, Russia

The Tiksi Hydrometeorological Observatory is located in the Russian far East at 71.6 N, 128.9. The facility has been developed through a partnership between the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet), and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The Polyarka weather station celebrated 80 years of operations in 2012. In the summer/fall of 2006 a new weather station laboratory facility was built which has additional laboratory and roof space intended to support instruments for research, climate studies and monitoring studies. A second facility was built in the summers of 2007-2008 1.5 km north west of the new Roshydromet weather station and is referred to as the "CAF" or Clean Air Facility. The site for the second facility was selected so that the surrounding terrain is horizontally homogeneous, undisturbed, and with a significant clean air sector. The facility includes a 20 m tower., roof space, air sampling stacks and boardwalks to maintain the pristine environment (see Tiksi site plan). The official opening of the Tiksi Facility was in August 2010.

Tiksi, Russia Weather Station
Did you know...Tiksi the northernmost town in the world with more than 5000 inhabitants.

This facility supports the research needs of the International community, across disciplines including supporting Global Atmosphere Watch measurements as well as other climate observations.

Tiksi Data Management Plan

Contact: Taneil.Uttal@noaa.gov

Data Browser

View plots of the following instrument data at Tiksi:

  • Meteorological measurements
  • Soil measurements
  • Radiation measurements
  • Cloud properties
  • Aerosol measurements


A Datagram is a virtual data 'mentoring tool' intended to guide anyone accessing the data file or the instrumentation used to generate fields within that file. While a data user will ideally collaborate closely with a principal investigator, Datagrams provide a structured basis for independent inquiry and logical information exchange about data processing.

FTP Access

Mindjet Mindjet image of Tiksi FTP Site (Site map of the Tiksi FTP data with links to data folders)

Direct Access