Distributions of Daily Meteorological Variables: Directions
Selection Options
- Select the first dataset. Note datasets have different year ranges.
- Select a location: latitude -90 to 90. Longitude 0-360E.
- Select the first month of a season
- Select the last month of a season. Anomalies for a data value will be computed relative to the mean of the entire selected data. So, long seasons may have anomalies with a seasonal cycle.
- Enter a range of years. The default is the full set of years available for that dataset.
To (optionally) compare distributions
- Select the second dataset. Note datasets have different year ranges.
- Select a location: latitude -90 to 90. Longitude 0-360E. It can be the same or different. If nothing is entered, the location for the first dataset is used.
- Select the first month of a season. If nothing is selected, the starting month for the 1st dataset is used.
- Select the last month of a season. If nothing is selected, the ending month for the 1st dataset is used.
- Enter a range of years. The default is the full set of years available for that dataset. To compare with another dataset, you should use the same overlapping set of years.
- You can enter a value and the probability that the value will be <= that value will be returned using 3 different methods. To obtain the probability of >= that value, subtract the probability from 1.
- Empirical Probability. If the input value is within the range of the data, the location in the observed distribution is returned.
- SGS fit probability: The "" probability of an SGS distribution with E,g, and b coefficients (determined from the data) is calculated.
- Gaussian (Normal) Distribution: the probability if the distribution is assumed to be Gaussian is calculated.
- Plot both distributions on the same X/Y axis. The option will plot the raw values and not the standardized values
- Overplot a Gaussian distribution
- Plotted empirical distribution(s) of standardized values (bar chart)
- Plotted fitted SGS estimates of standardized values (line plot)
- Optional) Plotted Gaussian estimates of standardized values (line plot)
- Statistics of distribution(s), (optional) probabilities of an input value.
- SGS fit coefficients.
- NetCDF file(s) with statistics, PDF bins/values, and time-series.
Other options
Unless you choose to plot 2 distributions on 1 plot, you will get back:This is a Research and Development Application