North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) for Arctic Research

NARR and PSL: The Arctic Research Office (ARO) has provided support to distribute the NARR data in direct access netCDF format and to develop of visualization and analysis tools. The goal is to provide the Arctic research community and other users of Arctic climate information with access to climate variability and change data on the smaller spatial scales that are needed for improved fundamental understanding and for decision support applications and assessment research.
Analysis and Plotting Tools
Use these pages to plot the data or to composite different days or seasons together. The user can change the map and plotting options and can plot the data at different resolutions (1x1 or 1/3x1/3 degrees).
![]() (Alaskan record warmth) | ![]() | ![]() (Arctic "Hurricane") |
Monthly Composites | Daily Average Composites | 3 Hourly Composites |
Dataset Information:
The NARR dataset is an extension of the NCEP Global Reanalysis which is run over the North American Region. The NARR model uses the very high resolution NCEP Eta Model (32km/45 layer) together with the Regional Data Assimilation System (RDAS) which, significantly, assimilates precipitation along with other variables. More information can be found at the NARR dataset information page. Dataset warnings/changes are available.
Original Source:
Dataset was originally produced at NOAA's National Center for Atmospheric Prediction (NCEP) and is available in it's original grib format through NOAA NCEI's access page and from NCAR. More information is at NCEP's NARR web page.
Related Data Sources
- NOAA's National Center for Atmospheric Prediction: NCEP
- National Snow and Ice Data Center: NSDIC
- National Center for Atmospheric Research: NCAR p
Other Useful Webpages:
- NOAA's Arctic Theme Page provides access to widely distributed Arctic data and information for all audiences.
- NOAA's Arctic Research Office (ARO) serves as a focal point for NOAA's research activities in the Arctic, Bering Sea, North Pacific and North Atlantic regions.
- Arctic Change provides information on the present state of Arctic ecosystems and climate in historical context.
- NSDIC Sea Ice Page offers a glimpse of the characteristics and different forms of sea ice, why it is so important to our environment, and popular scientific methods for studying it.
- PSL Monthly Climate Indices Plot, analyze and obtain various ocean and atmospheric indices including the the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Arctic Oscillation (AO) the SOI and many others.