Bivariate EnSo Timeseries: BEST ENSO Index

An ENSO index based on ocean (SST) and atmospherie (SOI) data.

sample plot
Correlation of BEST index with NOAA ERSST V5 in January.
sample plot
    An ENSO index based on ocean (SST) and atmospherie (SOI) data.
Temporal Coverage
  • 1948-2023
  • Irregular
Data Notes
    Units: std
Source, citation and related Information.
Related Time-series
Original Source
  • BEST index is calculated at NOAA/PSL
Time-series source dataset(s)
  • Smith, C.A. and P. Sardeshmukh, 2000, The Effect of ENSO on the Intraseasonal Variance of Surface Temperature in Winter., International J. of Climatology, 20 1543-1557.
  • Smith, C.A. and P. Sardeshmukh, 2000, The Effect of ENSO on the Intraseasonal Variance of Surface Temperature in Winter., International J. of Climatology, 20 1543-1557.