ENSO Composite Plots: Details and Directions

Plot Options:
  • Output Form
    Choose one of the 4 types. For the last 3 options, two plots will be shown next to each other. You should choose the region desired and the variable for all plots. For the single plot, you will also need to choose, event, type and season. For El Niño vs La Niña, just type and season. For summer vs winter, event and type.
  • Region
    A global plot or just over the United States (235E to 285E and 20N to 65N).
  • Event
    ENSO Events are defined using SST for the Nino 3.4 region and SOI. Events are chosen that have a consistent signal throughout the entire season. Years that define the events are listed on the main page.
  • Season
    Winter is defined from November to March. Summer for May through September. Years given are the year of the last month of the season.
  • Type
    Means and Anomalies. Anomalies are calculated relative to the 1981-2010 time period for the NCEP data and the 1971-2000 time-period for the climate division data.
  • Variable
    Surface Air Temperature
    Temperature at the lowest model level (.995 sigma)
    Sea Level Pressure
    Climate Division Temperature
    Surface temperature averaged over US state climate divisions.
    Climate Division Precipitation
    Precipitation averaged over US state climate divisions.
    Surface Zonal Wind
    East to west winds at the lowest model level (.995 sigma). Positive values indicate winds from the west.
    Surface Meridional Wind
    North to south winds at the lowest model level (.995 sigma). Positive values indicate winds from the south.
    Precipitation Rate
    200mb Zonal Wind
    East to west winds at 200mb.
    500mb Geopotential Height
    Height in meters of the 500mb surface.
    700mb Omega
    Vertical velocity at 700mb. Positive values are downward.
    Sea Surface Temperature (plus ice temperatures).


Most of the data is taken from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Dataset. The US climate division data is from NOAA's NCEI. Information on the dataset and the dataset itself can be obtained from them.