NOAA PSL GEFS Reforecast Version 2
Discontinuation Notice
As of 23 September 2020, the Global Ensemble Forecast System has been upgraded to a much improved version 12, and this page for the older model version is now obsolete. We have also, regrettably, discontinued production of many value-added experimental forecast products, including post-processed probabilistic forecast guidance, Extreme Forecast Indices, and GEFS-based teleconnection indices, due to lack of funding.
A near-realtime (4-day archive) of new GEFSv12 forecasts can be obtained from the NCEP NOMADS site:, using the links for the GFS Ensemble 0.25 Degree data set. A historical archive of older GEFSv12 forecast data may be accessed from the NCEI NOMADS site: For questions, please contact
GEFSv12 reforecasts spanning 2000-2019 are available via Amazon Web Services for free download, at One can set up scripts to loop over days and member and download sequences of global fields. If you have questions or comments about the reforecast data set or the associated products, please contact:
Operational GEFS forecasts data is also available at