Global Circulation Means and Anomalies (Reanalysis Data)

Reanalysis plots contain data through (MM/DD/YYYY) = 03/11/2025
Plots last updated: Thursday, 13-Mar-2025 10:34:29 MDT

The means and anomalies in the table below are from the NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis dataset.
The reanalysis climatology used to produce the anomalies is based on data from 1981-2010.

The NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis is delayed at the source. We don't have an estimated date it will be updated at this time.
(1) Mean and Anomaly plots are combined into ONE Two-panel plot.
(2) The one-panel mean and anomaly plots are available and accessible from the Two-panel web pages.

1-Day 7-Day 30-Day 90-Day 180-Day 365-Day Time-Longitude Plots
500 mb Heights (Northern Hemisphere): X X X X X X
200 mb Heights: X X X X X X
200 mb Eddy Heights (Northern Hemisphere): X X X X X X
250 mb Winds: X X X X X X
150 mb Winds: X X X X X X
50 mb Winds: X X X X X X Construct your own
Time-Section Plots
Using NCEP Daily Data
250 mb Zonal Mean U-Winds: X X X X X X
Surface Winds: X X X X X X
Sea Level Pressure: X X X X X X
Sea Level Pressure: TROPICS X X X X X X
Surface Temperatures: X X X X X X
Precipitation Rate: X X X X X X