Haonan Chen receives CIRA Research and Service Initiative Award
CIRA researcher Haonan Chen with ESRL’s Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) was selected to receive a CIRA Research and Service Initiative Award “for scientific excellence in development of a novel method to correct vertical profiles of radar reflectivity in complex terrain, algorithm development for characterizing uncertainties in radar-derived rainfall products, and associated impacts to hydrometeorology research in general and the Advanced Quantitative Precipitation Information (AQPI) system in particular."
Chen has worked at PSL since 2012, first as a research student, then a National Research Council Postdoc, and now a Radar, Satellite, and Precipitation Research Scientist through CIRA. While he is interested in all aspects of radar and satellite remote sensing, Chen specializes in quantifying precipitation for NOAA’s water resources research. He has worked on PSL's Hydrometeorology Modeling and Applications (HMA) Team to advance the understanding of the physical sciences in the hydrometeorological processes.
"Haonan's experience with radar and other remote sensing technologies has been a tremendous asset to NOAA, and our team in particular," said Rob Cifelli, HMA Team Lead.
Chen received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Colorado State University, where he is currently an Affiliate Faculty member. He has been the first author or co-author on 26 peer-reviewed journal articles, served as an associate editor for the Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, an Associate Editor for URSI Radio Science Bulletin, and a guest editor for Remote Sensing. He has also been a session chair at a number of national and international conferences. He received the AMS Editor’s award for numerous and effective reviews on cloud and precipitation measurement methods and technologies, and the URSI Young Scientist Award at the General Assembly in Montreal, Canada, in 2017.
June 18, 2019