George N. Kiladis

Research Scientist
Atmosphere-Ocean Processes and Predictability
George Kiladis is a research meteorologist at the Physical Sciences Laboratory of the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratories in Boulder Colorado. His work is focused on observational aspects of the tropical atmosphere and ocean, including comparisons of observations with theory and models. His main interests include equatorial waves, tropical-extratropical interaction, air-sea interaction, and the coupling between tropical convection and the large scale atmospheric circulation. This work is geared toward better understanding of the dynamics of the tropical portion of the atmosphere-ocean system, with the ultimate goal of providing statistical data that can be used to improve the full range of models used for forecasting the weather from daily on up to climate change time scales.
- Ph.D., Geography, University of Colorado, Aug 1985
- M.S., Geography, University of Colorado, Jun 1981
- B.S., Physics, University of Massachusetts, May 1977