Juliana Dias
Chief, Atmosphere-Ocean Processes and Predictability
Atmosphere-Ocean Processes and Predictability
Juliana Dias is a research physical scientist at the Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) of the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratories in Boulder Colorado. Her main interests include coupling between tropical convection and the large-scale atmospheric circulation, tropical-extratropical interactions, equatorial waves dynamics, and predictability of the atmosphere on daily to sub-seasonal time scales. Her work is focused on leveraging observations and models to understand and predict various aspects of tropical sub-seasonal variability and tropical-extratropical interactions. Juliana's current projects include developing model diagnostics aimed at improving model's representation of tropical variability and characterizing tropical origins of global forecast errors.
Research Interests
- Tropical subseasonal variability
- Coupling between clouds, convection and circulation
- Tropical-extratropical teleconnections
- Tropical dynamics
- Ph.D., Mathematics and Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU, May 2010
- M.S., Applied Mathematics, Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Feb 2005
- B.S., Civil Engineering, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Dec 2002