National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Horizontal Resolution:
~1.0oX1.0o (288x192)
Additional Notes:
For the Tropical AMIP Ensemble: SST's from 28S:28N are set to time-varying SST's from ERSSTv5. A transition/linear interpolation zone exists from 28:35 degree latitudes. From 35 degrees polewards full-period climatological SSTs (ERSSTv5)/sea-ice (HadISST1) are set.

For the Global AMIP Ensemble: Global SST's (ERSSTv5) and sea-ice (HadISST1) are specified.

All simulations from both ensembles were initialized from the 11th CESM2 historical member on January 1st, 1880, with each ensemble member receiving a small change in the initial air temperature via namelist setting PERTLIM. All CMIP6 time-varying external, natural and anthropogenic forcings were specified in these ensembles.
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