Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool: Vertical Profiles of Reanalysis Datasets

Select a date, location and a dataset. Choose from vertical profiles, vertical transects and height by time plots. For profiles, you will also get a table of the atmospheric variables for that date or range of dates (caveats).

Plot Type:   Vertical Profile(s)     Skew T     Vertical Transect     Height by Time
Variable:     Top Analysis level?
Reanalysis Dataset:   NCEP/NCAR R1 20CRV2c 20CRV3 ERA-Interim  
Latitude: Longitude: (use 0-360)

Year:    Month:  Day:     Hour (UTC):    
For multiple profiles or time by height plots enter last date of range.
Year 2:   Month 2: Day 2:   Hour 2 (UTC):  
If time by height plot or transect:
Mean Anomaly
Change default contour range/interval
Low: High: Interval:
Contour lines? No Yes
Aspect Ratio (X/Y) timexheight
For a transect along a line, enter 2nd lat/lon value.
Latitude: Longitude:


You may use the images produced from this page in publications, but we ask that you acknowledge us in this manner: Image provided by the NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Laboratory, Boulder Colorado from their Web site at https://psl.noaa.gov/.

Additional Notes

DatasetDate Range
NCEP/NCAR ReanalysisJan 1, 1948 to Jul 24, 2024
20th Century Reanalysis V2c (20CRV2c)Jan 1, 1851 to Dec 31, 2014
ERA-Interim*Jan 1, 1979 to Dec 31, 2016
*Vertical transects and Time by Height plots only
  • Reanalysis: 20CR and R1 have different pressure levels available. The R1 is on a 2.5 grid while the 20CR is on a ~2x~2 grid.
  • Please report any errors to: psl.maproom@noaa.gov

This is a Research and Development Application