Neutral ENSO Index Dashboard

ENSO is an ocean-atmosphere phenomenon centered in the tropical Pacific. It has global impacts and can have a different seasonal evolution of its pattern from event to event. The different patterns have implications for climate impacts both locally and at a distance. The following indices all help characterize ENSO but at different locations and time scales. See the PSL news story on flavors of ENSO. Also see the webpage to analyze and compare time series. There are two products available here. First, plots compare the progression of the current event to historic Neutral events. There is a shorter time-series (1948 onwards) index section and a longer (1870 onwards) one. There are fewer time series that span 1870 to present. Second, plots show time-series of various ENSO indices. Events are selected using the MEI.ext and the ERSST V5 SST datasets as a guide. See event year lists.

There is also a La Niña Dashboard and an El Niño Dashboard looking at the recent index values and comparing them to those events.

These plots show current 2020 values of various indices vs. seven neutral years since 1948.
Name Description Current Value vs.
Historic Neutral Events
Latest Value Date


A multi-variate index of ENSO which uses SST, winds, SLP, and OLR. It is calculated using the JRA55 reanalysis dataset and the NCEI OLR. Produced at NOAA PSL. 0.70 Feb 2024

Niño 4

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO4 region 5°North-5°South; 160°East-150°West (western most of Niño indices). Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). 0.71 Jun 2024

Niño 3.4

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO34 region 5°North-5°South;170-120°West. Total SSTs also available for this region. Correlates well with teleconnections to North America. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). 0.16 Jun 2024

Niño 3

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO3 region 5°North-5°South;150°West-90°West. Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). -0.29 Jun 2024

Niño 1.2

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO1 and NINO2 regions 0-10°South;90°West-80°West (eastern most of the Niña indices). Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). -0.99 Jun 2024


Oceanic Niño Index: 3 month running mean of ERSST.v4 SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region (5°N-5°S, 120°-170°W) Calculated from the ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). 0.39 May 2024


Bivariate El Nino- Southern Oscillation Index: The Niño 3.4 SST and SOI are normalized and combined. SST is from the HadISST1.1. SOI is from NOAA/CPC. Produced at NOAA PSL. 1.26 Jul 2023


Southern Oscillation Index: Difference between standardized Darwin and standardized Tahiti surface pressure values. It represents the atmospheric component of the ENSO. The sign is opposite that of the Nino indices and it is noisier than those indices. From NOAA/CPC 0.10 Jun 2024


Trans-Niño Index: Standardized Niño 1+2 minus the Niño 4 with a 5 month running mean applied (restandardized). It represents the gradient of the SST in the ENSO region of the tropical Pacific. Calculated from the Monthly HadISST1.1 dataset. -1.88 Mar 2024


Pacific Decadal Oscillation: leading principal component of monthly SST anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean, poleward of 20N (global SST mean removed). Calculated from the NOAA ERSSTV5, COBE SST, and HadISST1.1 (NOAA PSL). -2.63 May 2024


Pacific NorthAmerican Pattern. The PNA is one of the most prominent modes of extratropical variability in the northern Hemisphere. This version is calculated at NOAA/CPC. It is based on EOF's calculated from monthly anomalies of 500mb height from the NCEP Reanalysis. 1.14 Jun 2024


Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) area averages over the central equatorial Pacific (160°E-160°W). OLR is a good measure of convection. Negative OLR represents increased convention. Calculated at NOAA/CPC. 0.70 May 2024

Heat Content

Tropical Pacific integrated temperature anomalies (0-300m) 160°E–80°W. Calculated at NOAA/CPC from the GODAS dataset. -0.44 Jun 2024

200mb Zonal Winds

200mb Zonal Wind anomalies 2.5S-2.5N; 165W-110W. Calculated at NOAA/PSL from the NCEP R1. -1.78 Jun 2024

ESPI Precip Index

ENSO Precipitation Index. The index is based on rainfall anomalies in two rectangular areas, one in the eastern tropical Pacific (10°S-10°N, 160°E-100°W) and the other over the Maritime Continent (10°S-10°N, 90°E-150°E). The first step of the procedure involves moving a 10° by 50° block around each box; the minimum and maximum values of all possible blocks is obtained for each box and these are combined to estimate an El Niño precipitation index (EI) and a La Niña precipitation index (LI). The EI and LI are in turn combined to create the ESPI index. Finally, the ESPI index is normalized to have zero mean and unit standard deviation. Calculated at UMD. 1.31 Oct 2023
These plots show current 2020 values of various indices vs 9 neutral years since 1870.
Name Description Current value vs Historic Neutral Events Latest Value Date

Niño 4

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO4 region 5°North-5°South; 160°East-150°West (western most of Niño indices). Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA PSL). Climatology 1981-2010. 0.89 Jun 2024

Niño 3.4

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO34 region 5°North-5°South;170-120°West. Total SSTs also available for this region. Correlates well with teleconnections to North America. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA PSL). Climatology 1981-2010. 0.49 Jun 2024

Niño 3

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO3 region 5°North-5°South;150°West-90°West. Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA PSL). Climatology 1981-2010. -0.00 Jun 2024

Niño 1.2

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO1 and NINO2 regions 0-10°South;90°West-80°West (eastern most of the Niña indices). Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA PSL). Climatology 1981-2010. -0.14 Jun 2024


Trans-Niño Index: Standardized Niño 1+2 minus the Niño 4 with a 5 month running mean applied (restandardized). It represents the gradient of the SST in the ENSO region of the tropical Pacific. Calculated from the Monthly HadISSTV1.1 dataset. 0.14 Nov 2022
These plots show time-series plots of the monthly values from 1948 to present for the set of ENSO indices. Click plots to enlarge.
Name Description Time Series Units Latest Value Latest date

Niño 4 (data)

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO4 region 5°North–5°South; 160°East–150°West (western most of Nino indices). Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). C 0.71 Jun 2024

Niño 3.4 (data)

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO34 region 5°North-5°South;170-120°West. Total SSTs also available for this region. Correlates well with teleconnections to North America. Calculated from the Monthly ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). C 0.16 Jun 2024

Niño 3 (data)

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO3 region 5°North–5°South; 150°West–90°West. Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). C -0.29 Jun 2024

Niño 1+2 (data)

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO1 and NINO2 regions 0-10°South; 90°West–80°West (eastern most of the Niña indices). Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). C -0.99 Jun 2024

ONI (data)

Oceanic Niño Index: 3 month running mean of ERSST.v4 SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region (5°N–5°S, 120°&8211;170°W) Calculated from the ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC). C 0.39 May 2024

BEST (data)

Bivariate El Nino- Southern Oscillation Index: The Niño 3.4 SST and SOI are normalized and combined. SST is from the HadISST1.1 SOI is from NOAA/CPC. Produced at NOAA PSL. diff std 1.26 Dec 2015

SOI (data)

Southern Oscillation Index: Difference between standardized Darwin and standardized Tahiti surface pressure values. It represents the atmospheric component of the ENSO. The sign is opposite that of the Nino indices and it is noisier than those indices. From NOAA/CPC diff std 0.10 Jun 2024

MEI V2 (data)

A multi-variate index of ENSO which uses SST, winds, SLP, and OLR. It is calculated using the ICOADS dataset. Produced at NOAA PSL. std 0.70 Feb 2024

TNI (data)

Trans-Niño Index: Standardized Niño 1+2 minus the Niño 4 with a 5 month running mean applied (restandardized). It represents the gradient of the SST in the ENSO region of the tropical Pacific. Calculated from the Monthly HadISST1.1 dataset. std -1.88 Mar 2024

PDO (data)

Pacific Decadal Oscillation: leading principal component of monthly SST anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean, poleward of 20N (global SST mean removed). Calculated from the NOAA OISST V1 and V2 (U of Washington). std -2.63 May 2024

PNA (data)

Pacific NorthAmerican Pattern. The PNA is one of the most prominent modes of extratropical variability in the northern Hemisphere. This version is calculated at NOAA/CPC. It is based on EOF's calculated from monthly anomalies of 500mb height from the NCEP Reanalysis. std 1.14 Jun 2024

OLR (data)

Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) area averages over the central equatorial Pacific (160°E–160°W). OLR is a good measure of convection. Negative OLR represents increased convention. Calculated at NOAA/CPC. std 0.70 May 2024

Heat Content (data)

Tropical Pacific integrated temperature anomalies (0-300m) 160°E-–0°W. Calculated at NOAA/CPC from the GODAS dataset. degC -0.44 Jun 2024

200mb U (data)

200mb Zonal Wind anomalies (2.5°S–2.5°N; 165°W–110°W). Calculated at NOAA PSL from the NCEP R1 dataset. m/s -1.78 Jun 2024

ESPI Precip Index (data)

ENSO Precipitation Index. The index is based on rainfall anomalies in two rectangular areas, one in the eastern tropical Pacific (10°S-10°N, 160°E-100°W) and the other over the Maritime Continent (10°S-10°N, 90°E-150°E). The first step of the procedure involves moving a 10° by 50° block around each box; the minimum and maximum values of all possible blocks is obtained for each box and these are combined to estimate an El Niño precipitation index (EI) and a La Niña precipitation index (LI). The EI and LI are in turn combined to create the ESPI index. Finally, the ESPI index is normalized to have zero mean and unit standard deviation. Calculated at UMD. sigma 1.31 Oct 2023
These plots show time-series plots of the monthly values from 1870 to present for the set of ENSO indices. Click plots to enlarge
Name Description Time Series Units Latest Value Latest date

Niño 4 (data)

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO4 region 5°North-5°South; 160°East-150°West (western most of Nino indices). Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly ERSST V5 (at NOAA PSL). std 0.89 Jun 2024

Niño 3.4(data)

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO34 region 5°North-5°South;170-120°West. Total SSTs also available for this region. Correlates well with teleconnections to North America. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA PSL). Climatology 1981-2010. std 0.49 Jun 2024

Niño 3(data)

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO3 region 5°North-5°South;150°West-90°West. Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA PSL). Climatology 1981-2010.

std -0.00 Jun 2024

Niño 1+2(data)

SST anomalies averaged over the NINO1 and NINO2 regions 0-10°South;90°West-80°West (eastern most of the Nina indices). Total SSTs also available for this region. Calculated from the Monthly NOAA ERSST V5 (at NOAA PSL). Climatology 1981-2010. std -0.14 Jun 2024


Trans-Niño Index: Standardized Niño 1+2 minus the Niño 4 with a 5 month running mean applied (restandardized). It represents the gradient of the SST in the ENSO region of the tropical Pacific. Calculated from the Monthly HadISSTV1.1 dataset. std 0.14 Nov 2022