El Niņo/Southern Oscillation Education Resources
Listed in increasing technical order.
- El Niņo page for students from NOAA's OAR
- Globe El Niņo and La Niņa Experiment
Students use real-time data to observe ENSO and it's effects. Users can plot predictions of the atmosphere and compare them to observations among many other features.
- Dial-a-Scientist Studying El Niņo (from the U.S.Dept of Commerce/NOAA/PMEL/TAO Project Office).
Today El Niņo Information Page
Answers to many questions about El Niņo and a collection of old news stories.
- History of the Southern Oscillation Index
- El Niņo Teaching Module from University of Illinois
A very well-done, comprehensive tutorial on ENSO, related ocean/atmosphere climate processes, and the impact of ENSO. Suitable for high school, college and teachers.
- Understanding ENSO from IRI.
A nice review of the history of the understanding of ENSO
- Climate Prediction Center (CPC) ENSO Tutorial
- Using the PSL Interactive
Electronic Atlas to learn about El Niņo
Suggestions for using an interactive climate atlas to teach about ENSO
- Atmosphere/Ocean Interaction (from University of Washington College Course -- technical)