Time Section Page: Instructions
- Choose variable.
- Choose level. Not all levels are available from the operational dataset.
- Choose date range. Note that reanalysis starts Jan 1 1948 and the operational jan 1 1979. Operational tends to be more updated. A very long time range (2 years or more) will take a long time to plot.
- Choose data type for all variables except OLR. Note that reanalysis is averaged from 4 times daily while the operational is averaged from 2x daily. There is also some missing (interpolated) data in the operational dataset.
- Chose mean, anomaly or climatology. Climo can only be plotted for 365 days. Anomaly time period for reanalysis is 1968-96. For operational, it is 19xx-xx..
- Choose time-longitude or Time-latitude type plot.
- Choose output type.
- Choose latitude range. For time/longitude, latitudes are averaged.
- Choose longitude range. For time/latitude, longitudes are averaged.You cannot currently cross 0E.
- You can override contour interval. Pick reasonable levels.
- The gif output size can be changed. Choose a value between 1 and 300% of default size.