- Dataset
Various global reanalyses and observational datasets are provided. For the MERRA and MERRA-2, we are using the lower resolution data (1.5x1.5). MERRA/MERRA-2 are not defined for values below the surface (details). All other reanalyses datasets we provide have values for the pressure levels below the surface. These may be interpolated, surface values, or derived in some other way. Pressure and some single level variables are available.
- Dataset 2 (optional)
Select "none" or a second global reanalyses. Differences are calculated by interpolating the lower spatial resolution values to higher, if the datasets aren't at the same resolution. Differences for vertical cross sections are calculated using this set of levels that is common to all the
reanalyses we are using: 1000., 850.,700.,600.,500.,400.,300.,250.,200.,150.,100.,70.,50.,30.,10. Cross-section is interpolated from the lower to higher resolution dataset before differences are calculated. MERRA/MERRA-2 is not defined for values below the surface (details). All other reanalyses datasets we provide have values for the pressure levels below the surface.
- Variable
Monthly data is available for each of the reanalyses for the time period of the reanalysis. Ending dates vary. We plan to keep the datasets as up-to-date as possible. Currently, data is available through at least mid-2017 for all but 20CRV2, 20CRV2c, CERA-20v, and CFSR reanalysis datasets. Details on datasets are available.
- Enter years
Enter positive, integer years. If a year is not in your dataset, you will get an error. Enter the first and last months of a season. If the first month is greater than the second, the year will correspond to the last month of the season. That is, Dec-Jan 1991 is Dec 1990 and Jan 1991.
- Enter second set of years (optional)
If you select the same dataset for the second dataset option, you can use the page to calculate the difference between 2 sets of month/year/year combinations. Enter positive, integer years. If year is not in your dataset, you will get an error. Enter the first and last month of a season. If the first is greater than the second, the year will correspond to the second year of the season. That is, D-J 1991 is Dec 1990 and Jan 1991.
- Variable Statistic
- Mean
- The values from the model or observed dataset. Some datasets are 'anomaly' datasets. In some cases, values can be monthly totals.
- Long Term Mean (Climatology)
- The long term mean of the variable for a specified month. Usually the years used are 1981-2010. Anomaly datasets may have a different climatology.
- Anomaly
- Plots are of mean minus climatology for the variable. Each monthly anomaly is computed separately.
- Plot Type
Map: Latitude by Longitude
A latitude/longitude plot. Enter longitudes east to west. There are some custom regions provided from a pull-down menu.
Vertical Cross section: Latitude by Height
A vertical cross section. Plot is averaged over longitudes entered (east to west). Averages are only available for at most 360 degrees. For a plot at one longitude, enter the same value for eastern and western longitude bounds. Page will use nearest latitudes and longitudes to those selected. Latitudes and longitudes available differ. They are usually points (reanalyses) or centers (observed).
Vertical Cross section: Longitude by Height
A vertical cross section. Plot is averaged over latitudes entered (south to north). For a plot at one latitude, enter the same value for southern and northern latitude bounds. Use decimal form of degrees. The plot will use nearest latitudes and longitudes to those selected. Latitudes and longitudes available differ. They are usually points (reanalyses) or centers (observed).