Access and Analyze Daily Weather/Climate Time Series
Directions for daily time series generation page
Purpose: Creates daily mean time series or create a file of dates from a dataset matching a specific criteria. A set of daily index timeseries, US station data values and several gridded datasets: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, the 20th Century Reanalysis (V2C,V3) and the ERA5 are available to extract values from.
- Select one of : Index Timeseries, US station data, or a gridded dataset.
- For gridded datasets, Select a variable.
- For gridded datasets, Select a level for pressure level data.
- For US stations, obtain station number from "Station List" next to entry box.
- For gridded datasets, chose a latitude and longitude. Use -90 to 90 and 0 to 360 for longitude. The closest grid to your lat/lon values will be chosen.
- Chose year range. This is MANDATORY.
- Choose "get timeseries" or "get subset of dates".
- For get timeseries, you will get a 365(366) values and dates in a list for each year.
- For subset, you will also need to choose a number of highest or lowest days or a value to test against (values include value, anomaly, standardized anomaly or percentile). Anomalies and percentiles are obtained based on the set of years you choose. You can choose "higher or lower than value compared against. For example, you can choose the top 5 temperatures in Boulder, CO (station 351) for 1950-1999 and get:
- 1953,7,24, 101.00000000
- 1954,7,13, 102.00000000
- 1954,7,12, 103.00000000
- 1954,7,11, 104.00000000
- 1954,6,23, 104.00000000
- 1954,7,13, 102.00000000
- 1953,7,24, 101.00000000
- Get values. Daily values output can be used on the daily composite page ( for compositing.)
Comments: NCEP data is updated ~2 days behind current day.
To get data:
See PSL's gridded climate research data access.background stuff here!
- Help
- Instructions
- Related Time Series Analysis Pages
- Extract 4 and 8 hourly Timeseries
- Extract Monthly Timeseries
- Plot and analyze monthly time series
- Plot daily gridded composites
- Data Documentation
- NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis
- 20th Century Reanalysis
- Daily Index time-series
- Contact
If you need assistance, or would like to provide feedback, please email: