The NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis is delayed at the source. We don't have an estimated date it will be updated at this time.
Purpose: Creates monthly mean time series in table format from a selection of datasets maintained at
Directions for monthly mean time series generation page
Gridded Data Sets
The primary data set if the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis. The data set consists of a subset of various variables on pressure levels or at the surface.
The other datasets provided are the Kaplan SST, U of Delaware, and the NOAA Interpolated OLR . The options are as follows
- Select a variable (for NCEP data set only)
- Select a level (for NCEP variables only). Not all levels/variable combinations available.
- Select a latitude range. Enter north to south (e.g.90 to -90). For one grid, use the same value.
- Select a longitude range. Values are interpreted as going eastward. Negative values are used to represent west longtiude. Some valid inputs are -180 to -10, 50 to 270, 0 to 360. For one grid, use the same value.
- Choose monthly values (you will get all 12 for each year) or a seasonal average (1 value per year returned). You cannot return a subset of months unless you ask for a seasonal average. Specify the season by setting the first and las months. If any part of a season is missing, the whole season will be missing.
- Choose Get values or plot data. Monthly values output can be used on monthly composite page ( or OR the correlation pages: or
To get data:
See PSL's gridded climate research data access.US Climate Division Dataset
The data sets consists of temperature, precipitation and the Palmer Drought Index for each of the 344 climate divisions as defined
by NCEI. The options are as follows
- Select a state (Alaska and Hawaii are NOT available).
- Select a climate division from that state. A list of available divisions and a map are located after the submit button.
- Select a year range. Data is available 1895-present. Data for a season that spans Dec is not available for 1895.
- Choose a type of output. Mean (individual values), Anomaly (difference from 1950-1995 climatology), Climatology (1950-1995) and ranked values are available. Ranking is done relative to the years you select in your year range. Anomalies have each months climatology subtracted the mean value.
- Choose monthly values (you will get all 12 for each year) or a seasonal average (1 value per year returned). You cannot return a subset of months unless you ask for a seasonal average. For precipitation, you get the average. This will be changed to total. Specify the season by setting the first and las months. If any part of a season is missing, the whole season will be missing.
- Choose Get values or plot data. Monthly values output can be used on monthly composite page ( or OR the correlation pages: or A plot of the ranked values makes no sense. All the other types work.
- For plot: (optional) Set y range sets the top/bottom values on the x-axis. Choose values with data range.
- For plot: (optional) Plot a line plot or plot a box plot.