US Climate Division Dataset Seasonal Correlation Page
Plot correlations of US climate division data with atmospheric/ocean time-series (supplied) or custom time-series.
First month of season: Last month:      Use Monthly or Seasonal Values: Seasonal Monthly
Year range for correlations: (enter years of the LAST month of season):
Time Series: If custom:
Enter months or seasons index time series leads or lags correlating variable (Optional)
Set Contour Interval/Range Low: Hi: Contour Interval: (Optional)

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Directions: Choose the variable, index time-series and year range desired. A map of the correlation of that variable with the index for the season chosen will be plotted. Data is taken from the National Climatic Data Center's climate division dataset. The full dataset covers to Jun 2024 . Most index timeseries do not cover the whole time period. Data is provisional and may be subject to correction by NCEI at a later date!

??? Atmospheric and Ocean Time-series
Use these to investigate the relationships of temperature and precipitation to the atmosphere or ocean. Sources and details are available. Please reference the source of the time-series if using any plot in a publication. Thanks!

Help for Climate Division Correlation Plots

Dataset | Seasons | Index Time-series | Lead/Lags | Input Years


Data is taken from NCEI's climate division dataset. The complete dataset covers January 1895 to the latest available (usually a month behind the current month). The correlation page will plot correlations form Jan 1895 to the present.


Seasons are calculated by averaging the value for each month of the season. All processing is then applied to this one number/year. Seasons can be wrapped around the end of a year. If you want Dec, Jan and Feb choose Dec for 1st month and Feb for 2nd.

Years to enter

Enter from Jan 1895 to the present. For seasons that overlap end-of-years, use only the years that are available.


The default lead/lag is 0 months. You can specify that the index time series either lead (come before) or lag (come after) the variable being correlated with. You can specify the correlations in months or seasons. So, if you are doing seasonal correlations of FMA, a one month lead would correspond to the index time series of JFM. For a one season lead, it would be OND. For monthly values, you can just specify months. Please do not specify a lead of more than 12 months. The months used are indicated on the plot.

Index time-series

See ClimateIndices for a description and source of the time series.

Location of US Climate Divisions


Skip to state below for definition of US climate division.

Alabama Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut
Delaware Florida Georgia
Idaho Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky
Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota
Mississippi Missouri Montana
Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania
Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
 Alabama (1) 1 North Valley
  2 Appalachian Mountain
  3 Upper Plains
  4 Eastern Valley
  5 Piedmont Plateau
  6 Prairie
  7 Coastal Plain
  8 Gulf
 Arizona (2) 1 Northwest
  2 Northeast
  3 North Central
  4 East Central
  5 Southwest
  6 South Central
  7 Southeast
 Arkansas (3) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 California (4) 1 North Coast Drainage
  2 Sacramento Drainage
  3 Northeast Interior Basins
  4 Central Coast Drainage
  5 San Joaquin Drainage
  6 South Coast Drainage
  7 Southeast Desert Basin
 Colorado (5) 1 Arkansas Drainage
  2 Colorado Drainage
  3 Kansas Drainage
  4 Platte Drainage
  5 Rio Grande Drainage
 Connecticut (6) 1 Northwest
  2 Central
  3 Coastal
 Delaware (7) 1 Northern
  2 Southern
 Florida (8) 1 Northwest
  2 North
  3 North Central
  4 South Central
  5 Everglades and Southwest Co
  6 Lower East Coast
  7 Keys
 Georgia (9) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Idaho (10) 1 Panhandle
  2 North Central Prairies
  3 North Central Canyons
  4 Central Mountains
  5 Southwestern Valleys
  6 Southwestern Highlands
  7 Central Plains
  8 Northeastern Valleys
  9 Upper Snake River Plains
  10 Eastern Highlands
 Illinois (11) 1 Northwest
  2 Northeast
  3 West
  4 Central
  5 East
  6 West Southwest
  7 East Southeast
  8 Southwest
  9 Southeast
 Indiana (12) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Iowa (13) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Kansas (14) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Kentucky (15) 1 Western
  2 Central
  3 Blue Grass
  4 Eastern
 Louisiana (16) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Maine (17) 1 North
  2 South Interior
  3 Coastal
 Maryland (18) 1 Southeastern Shore
  2 Central Eastern Shore
  3 Lower Southern
  4 Upper Southern
  5 Northeastern Shore
  6 North Central
  7 Appalachian Mountains
  8 Allegheny Plateau
 Massachusetts (19) 1 West
  2 Central
  3 Coastal
 Michigan (20) 1 West Upper
  2 East Upper
  3 Northwest Lower
  4 Northeast Lower
  5 West Central Lower
  6 Central Lower
  7 East Central Lower
  8 Southwest Lower
  9 South Central Lower
  10 Southeast Lower
 Minnesota (21) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Mississippi (22) 1 Upper Delta
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 Lower Delta
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
  10 Coastal
 Missouri (23) 1 Northwest Prairie
  2 Northeast Prairie
  3 West Central Plains
  4 West Ozarks
  5 East Ozarks
  6 Bootheel
 Montana (24) 1 Western
  2 Southwestern
  3 North Central
  4 Central
  5 South Central
  6 Northeastern
  7 Southeastern
 Nebraska (25) Note- there is no division 4 in Nebraska. 1 Panhandle
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Nevada (26) 1 Northwestern
  2 Northeastern
  3 South Central
  4 Extreme Southern
 New Hampshire (27) 1 North
  2 South
 New Jersey (28) 1 Northern
  2 Southern
  3 Coastal
 New Mexico (29) 1 Northwestern Plateau
  2 Northern Mountains
  3 Northeastern Plains
  4 Southwestern Mountains
  5 Central Valley
  6 Central Highlands
  7 Southeastern Plains
  8 Southern Desert
 New York (30) 1 Western Plateau
  2 Eastern Plateau
  3 Northern Plateau
  4 Coastal
  5 Hudson Valley
  6 Mohawk Valley
  7 Champlain Valley
  8 St. Lawrence Valley
  9 Great Lakes
  10 Central Lakes
 North Carolina (31) 1 Southern Mountains
  2 Northern Mountains
  3 Northern Piedmont
  4 Central Piedmont
  5 Southern Piedmont
  6 Southern Coastal Plain
  7 Central Coastal Plain
  8 Northern Coastal Plain
 North Dakota (32) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Ohio (33) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 Central Hills
  7 Northeast Hills
  8 Southwest
  9 South Central
  10 Southeast
 Oklahoma (34) 1 Panhandle
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Oregon (35) 1 Coastal Area
  2 Willamette Valley
  3 Southwestern Valleys
  4 Northern Cascades
  5 High Plateau
  6 North Central
  7 South Central
  8 Northeast
  9 Southeast
 Pennsylvania (36) 1 Pocono Mountains
  2 East Central Mountains
  3 Southeastern Piedmont
  4 Lower Susquehanna
  5 Middle Susquehanna
  6 Upper Susquehanna
  7 Central Mountains
  8 South Central Mountains
  9 Southwest Plateau
  10 Northwest Plateau
 Rhode Island (37) 1 Rhode Island
 South Carolina (38) 1 Mountain
  2 Northwest
  3 North Central
  4 Northeast
  5 West Central
  6 Central
  7 Southern
 South Dakota (39) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 Black Hills
  5 Southwest
  6 Central
  7 East Central
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Tennessee (40) 1 Eastern
  2 Cumberland Plateau
  3 Middle
  4 Western
 Texas (41) 1 High Plains
  2 Low Rolling Plains
  3 North Central
  4 East Texas
  5 Trans Pecos
  6 Edwards Plateau
  7 South Central
  8 Upper Coast
  9 South
  10 Lower Valley
 Utah (42) 1 Western
  2 Dixie
  3 North Central
  4 South Central
  5 Northern Mountains
  6 Uinta Basin
  7 Southeast
 Vermont (42) 1 Northeastern
  2 Western
  3 Southeastern
 Virginia (44) 1 Tidewater
  2 Eastern Piedmont
  3 Western Piedmont
  4 Northern
  5 Central Mountain
  6 Southwestern Mountain
 Washington (45) 1 West Olympic Coast
  2 North East Olympic San Juan
  3 Puget Sound Lowlands
  4 East Olympic Cascade Foothills
  5 Cascade Mountains West
  6 East Slope Cascades
  7 Okanogan Big Bend
  8 Central Basin
  9 Northeastern
  10 Plouse Blue Mountains
 West Virginia (46) 1 Northwestern
  2 North Central
  3 Southwestern
  4 Central
  5 Southern
  6 Northeastern
 Wisconsin (47) 1 Northwest
  2 North Central
  3 Northeast
  4 West Central
  5 Central
  6 East Central
  7 Southwest
  8 South Central
  9 Southeast
 Wyoming (48) 1 Yellowstone Drainage
  2 Snake Drainage
  3 Green and Bear Drainage
  4 Big Horn
  5 Powder, Little Mo & Tongue Drainages
  6 Belle Fourche Drainage
  7 Cheyenne Niobrara Drainage
  8 Lower Platte
  9 Wind River
  10 Upper Platte

U.S. Climate Division Plotting and Analysis Page: Dataset Information

  • NCEI's Climate Division Webpage . Includes references and related documentation.
  • Climate division boundaries.
  • Stations included in division data
  • Individual state maps of the climate divisions (with counties).
  • U.S. State averaged temperature and precipitation climatologies.
  • How to reference plots
    • You can use the plots produced from this page in publications or presentations. We ask that you acknowledge the NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Laboratory in the publication. For example, "Image provided by the NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado from their web site at".
    • Also reference the NCEI Climate Division Dataset directly. Vose, R.S., Applequist, S., Durre, I., Menne, M.J., Williams, C.N., Fenimore, C., Gleason, K., Arndt, D. 2014: Improved Historical Temperature and Precipitation Time Series For U.S. Climate Divisions Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. DOI:

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