Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) Monthly Time-series (from NOAA/CPC)

Pattern of Antarctic Variability obtained by calculating EOF's of 700mb geopotential height poleward of 20°S.

sample plot
sample plot

    The loading pattern of AAO is defined as the first leading mode from the EOF analysis of monthly mean height anomalies at 700-hPa (SH). Note that year-round monthly mean anomaly data has been used to obtain the loading patterns. Since the AAO has the largest variability during the cold season (variance of AAO), the loading patterns primarily capture characteristics of the cold season patterns.

    Monthly AAO indices are constructed by projecting the monthly mean 700-hPa height anomalies onto the leading EOF mode. The time series is normalized by the standard deviation of the monthly index (1979-2000 base period).

Temporal Coverage
  • Monthly values: 1979/01 to present
  • Update Status: Monthly
Data Notes
    Units: degC
Source, citation and related Information.
Related Time-series
Original Source
Time-series source dataset(s)
    See NOAA/CPC webpage
  • Barnston, A. G., and R. E. Livezey, 1987: Classification, seasonality and persistence of low-frequency atmospheric circulation patterns. Mon. Wea. Rev., 115, 1083-1126.