The Northern Oscillation Index (NOI)

An index of pressure differences similar to the SOI but for the northern hemisphere.

sample plot
Correlation of the January NOI with January sea level pressure from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis.
sample plot
    NOI is an index of climate variability based on the difference in SLP anomalies at the North Pacific High and near Darwin Australia. Schwing, F.B., T. Murphree, and P.M. Green. 2002. The Northern Oscillation Index (NOI): a new climate index for the northeast Pacific. Progress in Oceanography 53: 115-139. The time series and more information are available.
Temporal Coverage
    1948-near present statis
Data Notes
    Units: mb
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    Schwing, F. B., T. Murphree and P. M. Green. The Northern Oscillation Index (NOI): a new climate index for the northeast Pacific. Pro gress in Oceanography 53 (2002) 115-139. pdf
    Schwing, F. B., T. Murphree and P. M. Green. The Northern Oscillation Index (NOI): a new climate index for the northeast Pacific. Pro gress in Oceanography 53 (2002) 115-139. pdf