U.S. Climate Division Dataset Seasonal Correlation Page (Long Version)
Plot correlations of US climate division data with atmospheric/ocean time-series (supplied) or custom time-series.

Choose the variable, index time-series and year range desired. A map of the correlation of that variable with the index for the season chosen will be plotted. Data is taken from the National Climatic Data Center's climate division dataset. The full dataset starts in 1895 and ends Oct 2024 . Most index timeseries do not cover the whole time period.

  1. Which variable?
  2. Beginning month of season Ending month
  3. Monthly or Seasonal Values Seasonal Average Monthly Values
  4. Enter start and end years for correlations (e.g. 1972) (for seasons that span a year (e.g. DJF), please enter year of the LAST month).
    Default is 1895-2014.
  5. Time Series? If custom:
  6. (Optional) Enter months or seasons index time series leads or lags correlating variable.
  7. (Optional) Set Contour Interval/Range Low: Hi: Contour Interval:
    For this option, you must input all 3 input values There is a limit of 32 intervals.
  8. (Optional) Switch colorbarNo Yes leads

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Data is provisional and may be subject to correction by NCDC at a later date!

???List and a map of the climate divisions.
???Information on the climate division dataset.
???Help on selection items and terms
???Atmospheric and Ocean Time series
Use these to investigate the relationships of temperature and precipitation to the atmosphere or ocean. Sources and details are available. Please reference the source of the time-series if using any plot in a publication. Thanks!
???Plot time series at one climate division

This is a Research and Development Application