ESRL Physical Sciences Laboratory Past Seminars

IMPORTANT: As of July 21, 2014, Visitor Center Security will no longer be able to accept IDs from some US states for site access. Please see security procedures for details.

PSL holds seminars in two locations: The PSL South Conference Room (1D403) and the Multipurpose Room (GC402) at the David Skaggs Research Center. All seminar attendees, including pedestrians and bike riders, are required to receive a Visitor Badge from the Visitor Center at the Boulder Dept. of Commerce facilities. Seminar attendees will need to present a valid U.S. photo ID or their Permanent Resident Alien card. If you are a Foreign National without permanent residency please email the seminar coordinator* at least 48 hours prior to the seminar to provide information required for security purposes. You will need to present your passport when you check in at the Visitor Center. Please allow extra time to accommodate these procedures. If you have any questions or are interested in presenting a seminar, please contact one of the following coordinators*: Barbara Herrli (303-497-3876); Madeline Sturgill (303-497-5961) Madeline; or Shawn Dowd (303-497-6476) Shawn

Date Seminar
1 December 2010
Wednesday, 2:00pm
Noah Paul Molotch,Assistant Professor of Geography, INSTAAR, University of Colorado
Integrated remote sensing and modeling of mountain snow distribution: implications for water resource management adaptation to climate change[Abstract]

17 November 2010
Wednesday, 2:00pm
Ju-Mee Ryoo, Caltech
Trajectory Analysis of Air Mass and Moisture Associated with Atmospheric Rivers in the West Coast of the United States[Abstract]

3 November 2010
Wednesday, 2:00pm
Juliana Dias, CIRES Postdoc, NOAA PSD
Interactions between the ITCZ and Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves [Abstract]

28 October 2010
Thursday, 2:00pm
Sandra Yuter, Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences North Carolina State University
Winter storms over the US west coast: Precipitation characteristics and implications for prediction[Abstract]

27 October 2010
Wednesday, 2:00pm
George Kiladis, NOAA/ESRL PSD
Coupling between Atmospheric Convection and Large Scale Equatorial Waves[Abstract]

22 October 2010
Friday, 10:00am
Mike Hobbins, NOAA/NWS/Colorado Basin River Forecast Center
Improving the treatment of evapotranspiration at the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center and forecasting reference crop evapotranspiration across the NWS Western Region [Abstract]

15 October 2010
Friday, 1:00pm
Larry Carey, Earth System Science Center (ESSC) / University of Alabama in Huntsville:
The Use of Radar to Improve Rainfall Estimation over the Tennessee and San Joaquin River Valleys: [Abstract]

1 October 2010
Friday, 10:30pm
Taniel Uttal, NOAA/ESRL PSD:
The Tiksi Hydrometeorological International Climate Observatory: [Abstract]

29 September 2010
Wednesday, 2:30pm
Dr. Robert (Bob) Zamora, Meteorologist, NOAA/ESRL PSD:
An Overview of the NOAA Hydrometeorology Testbed Soil Moisture Observing Program [Abstract]

10 September 2010
Friay, 10:00am
Dr. Daniel P. Ames, Associate Professor Dept of Geosciences, Idaho State University, Idaho Falls:
HydroDesktop: An Open Source GIS-Based Platform for Hydologic Data Discovery, Visualization, and Analysis [Abstract]

23 August 2010
Monday, 2:00pm
Anne Nolin, Dept of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis:
Modeling Watershed-Scale Distributions of Snow for Present-day and Future Climate in the U.S. Pacific Northwest [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
30 June 2010
Wednesday, 11:00am
Dr. Dave Gochis, NCAR:
Hyrdometeorological Research Activities in the NCAR Research Applications Laboratory [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
16 June 2010
Wednesday, 2:00pm
Heather M. Archambault, NCAR Advanced Studies Program Graduate Student Visitor: Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences: University at Albany, State University of New York
Large-scale flow reconfigurations over North America associated with recurving western north pacific tropical cyclones [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
28 April 2010
Wednesday, 2:00pm
Dr. Alicia Karspeck, NCAR/IMAGe, Boulder, CO
Some 'typical' and 'atypical' application of ensemble filtering [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
10 March 2010
Wednesday, 2:00pm
Dr. Andrew Slater, NSIDC, and CIRES - University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Snow, Data Assimilation and Hydrologic Forecasting in the US West [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
24 February 2010
Wednesday, 2pm
Galina Guentchev, UCAR VSP (Visiting Scientist Program) Postdoctoral Fellow with the PACE (Postdocs Applying Climate Expertise) Fellowship Program
Precipitation variability in the Colorado River Basin [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
8 February 2010
Monday, 2pm
Nedjeljka Zagar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Balance and its flow dependency in data assimilation as diagnosed by normal modes [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
4 February
Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
Kelly Mahoney, PACE Postdoc: NOAA/ESRL PSD
Momentum Transport in Mesoscale Convective Systems [Abstract]

PSD-North Conference Room (2B504)
3 February
Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.
Chris Fletcher, Dept. of Physics, U. of Toronto
Linear interference effects on tropical-extratropical teleconnections [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
28 January 2010
Thursday, 9:00 a.m.
Eric Guilyardi, IPSL/Ocean, Paris France and NCAS Climate, Reading UK
Understanding El Niņo in Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Models: Progress and challenges [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
27 January 2010
Wednesday, 2:00 PM

Stephanie Leroux, NRC Postdoc, NOAA ESRL PSD
On the dynamics of African Easterly Waves: Their origin, growth and interaction with the environment [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)

Past seminars: 1996-2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014